Wednesday 25 December 2013

                                  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

I love Christmas don't we all! Let's just take a minute's silence for all those that aren't as fortunate as us! Also Merry Christmas dad I know it's not the same in Afghanistan it's not the same here either :) My dads in the army so we don't see him much :(

Anyway enough soppy stuff. I LOVE my presents! I got: a BMW bike from my mum and dad. A cookie from my 3 year old brother. ALOT of clothes from my mum. £50 each from my Grandparents ( My mum's mum and dad) A trip to Alton Towers from my dad (we get to stay in the hotel AND we get to go to the water park :DDDD). A laptop from my other grandparents (my dad's mum and dad) to do homework on (yeah right). But my lazy brothers ( I have 3 a 17 year old a 15 year old and a 3 year old no sister) got me a happy birthday card they scribbled the Happy Birthday bit and wrote merry Christmas and they said the cookie's from them! My friend gave me a HUGE make up set (but I don't wear make up so I don't need it) my other friends gave me a alarm clock (which I'm never using) a stationary set (I always forget mine at home and end up getting in trouble at school) a 1 direction movie (ew never watching I don't like 1 direction) a HUGE box of chocolates ( they're were at least 65 chocolates :o) and my best friend gave me a £10 voucher ( the voucher worked in a Goth shop O_o) !

and this is our tree better than last years (our cat getting jumping on it and bringing it down so on Christmas day there was hardly anything there! He's learnt to control himself now so this year it only fell down 3 times) 

                              Here's some funny Christmas jokes

For those that don't understand the little kids is catching snowflakes in his mouth, and bird shit is white so they're saying let's shit in his mouth he'll think it's a snowflake.

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