Friday 13 December 2013

This is a quick post to say why I won't be on MSP for about a week :(  It's cause my English teacher sent me and this girl I hate ( she hates me aswell) to go collect these leaflets. Well they entire time we we're arguing and she got me so angry then this teacher came and said why are you arguing. So she told her side of the story then when I was about to speak but the teacher said I get a detention (the teachers racist she didn't like me cause I'm Muslim)  I got even more angrier but I thought the teacher doesn't know my name so I grabbed my trainer took it out my bag and  threw it at the teacher and ran as fast as I could to my classroom! Then the girl I hate (Maria) grassed me up they told the headteacher and he came to my classroom and I got put into Isolation. But another reason for me getting put into Isolation is because I put mentos in coke and I threw it into a classroom where some Year 7 were doing Geography. It was a bad thing to do but It was so funny they were all screaming. Anyway I also got put on report (report is when your  head of year monitors your behaviour)  So then my parents grounded me! Even though I'm grounded it was still worth it ;p

                              Re reading my post for spelling mistakes and I realised it wasn't a small post Byeeee!

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